5 kinds of auto parts to source for your vehicle

5 kinds of auto parts to source for your vehicle

It is true that the world has very few things that are unanimously agreed upon. One such topic that receives countless opinions is choice-making when purchasing an automobile and the subsequent requirement of auto parts. The issue of which kinds of auto parts are best can rile up automobile enthusiasts. Thus, it is important to know what the best kind of part for your vehicle is. Typically, there are five types of auto parts that one can choose from and they include:

Genuine parts
Genuine auto parts are used when the vehicle is brand new. These auto parts are typically more expensive and are widely preferred during replacements as they are considered to be more superior. While genuine parts are commonly believed to be from the original manufacturers of the car, they are usually produced by brands licensed by them.

Aftermarket parts
Aftermarket auto parts are produced by a company that is different from the original manufacturer. The brands that make aftermarket parts seek rights from the different car brands to produce the same. While aftermarket auto parts look a little different from genuine parts, they fit and perform just as well as the latter.

OEM parts
An acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer, these auto parts are built just as well as genuine parts. The components are passed and stamped with approval from the automaker. Most auto enthusiasts opt for OEM parts as they are found to be a more valuable purchase because they cost less than genuine parts and work are just as good.

Refurbished parts
As the name suggests, refurbished auto parts are parts that are checked and tagged as working for reuse. The parts are typically just cleaned and modified to be as a working component. Refurbished parts are replaced with minor fixtures such as gaskets and bolts. This type of auto parts are available at a much cheaper cost but do come with a certain degree of wear and tear.

Used parts
Used or “recycled” auto parts are the cheapest type of components that one can get. The parts are a great alternative for when you do not require it to sustain too long or when replacing a component that does not tear down as quickly. However, it is advisable to stir away from used auto parts when addressing issues that are related to the performance of the vehicle.

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