Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Spleen

Common Symptoms of an Enlarged Spleen

An enlarged spleen is a common phenomenon. The spleen is the organ located just below the left rib cage. There are several conditions that may result in an enlarged spleen such as some forms of cancer, infections, and liver disease. The condition of an enlarged spleen is also called splenomegaly. An enlarged spleen may also be the result of viral infections, patristic infections, bacterial infections, cirrhosis, hemolytic anemia, blood cancers, metabolic disorders like Gaucher’s disease, pressure on the veins in the liver or the spleen, and a blood clot in these veins. Whatever be the case, it is essential to know the symptoms of the condition so that you can seek immediate treatment. Here are a few of the common symptoms of an enlarged spleen.

Enlarged Spleen Symptoms
An enlarged spleen may or may not provide early warning signs. If you do experience the symptoms mentioned below, visit a doctor immediately to confirm whether you suffer from the condition of an enlarged spleen. Here are a few of the most common enlarged spleen symptoms.

  • You may experience mild to severe pain or fullness in the left upper abdomen. This feeling may spread to the left shoulder.
  • You may feel full without eating anything or after eating a small portion of food. This happens as the enlarged spleen presses against your stomach and leads to this feeling of fullness.
  • You may suffer from anemia.
  • You may suffer from frequent bacterial, viral and parasitic infections. Visit a doctor immediately if you suffer from frequent infections as this is one of the most common enlarged spleen symptoms.
  • You may feel extremely fatigued at the end of the day even if you have not done too much work.
  • You may experience sharp pain in the left shoulder or shoulder blade when taking a deep breath.

The above-mentioned symptoms may cause an enlarged spleen. At times, an enlarged spleen may occur without displaying any symptoms at all. It may be discovered during a routine check-up. While a doctor cannot feel a normal-sized spleen, enlarged spleens can be easily felt. Your doctor may then order imaging tests and blood tests to determine the underlying cause of the disease so that it can be treated accordingly. There are several other treatment methods available, and surgery is generally the last resort.

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