Constipation and its causes

Constipation and its causes

Constipation is a condition of the digestive system due to which an individual faces difficulty in bowel movements. It generally means tougher or lesser bowel movements than normal. Causes of constipation can vary. Generally, when the food we eat passes through the digestive tract, the colon absorbs more water from the food. As a result, the stool becomes dry and hard. Constipation is the state when it becomes difficult to excrete such a stool.

Apart from this, there are various other common factors that might cause constipation. Here are a few reasons that cause constipation.

Fiber deficiency in diet
The lack of fiber enriched food in a person’s diet is one of the basic causes of constipation. A person who eats lots of fiber rich food in his or her diet is less likely to feel constipated than a person who doesn’t.

Less physical activity
Physical inactivity is another common cause of constipation. Physical activities boost a person’s’ metabolism. Hence it makes it easier for the food to digest and exterminate from the body.

Intake of certain medicines
The intake of narcotic pain drugs, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, aluminum-containing antacids, and diuretics can cause constipation in certain individuals.

Milk intolerance
Intolerance to milk and dairy products are also a common cause of constipation.

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
People suffering from IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome are at a high risk of suffering from constipation.

Expectant mothers
Expectant mothers are vulnerable to constipation due to various hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Old age
Metabolism slows down in older people. This results in lesser intestinal activities. The muscle of the digestive tract fails to function well.

Interchanging daily schedules
A sudden change in the daily activities of a person might also cause constipation. For instance, a change in eating, traveling, and sleeping schedules.

Misuse of laxatives
Laxatives are helpful in bowel movements. However, the dosage of laxatives needs to be increased to get the desired results. An over usage of laxatives can be highly addictive. So, there is a high risk of constipation when a person stops the intake of laxatives.

Ignoring the urge to excrete
When an individual ignores the urge to excrete, the urge gradually subsides. This might lead to dry stools and hence constipation.

Lack of body fluids due to dehydration is a very common cause of constipation.

How to treat constipation?
Although constipation does not have any health risks, it is too difficult to tolerate the inconvenience. Constipation problems mostly cease itself without any medical attention. However, to keep the problem of constipation at bay, a person can monitor the following things in their day to day activities.

  1. Change your lifestyle.
  2. Include more exercise, eat more fiber rich food, and drink lots of water.
  3. Use laxatives only under a registered medical practitioner’s prescription.
  4. Find out the reason of your constipation by observing the occurrence.

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